Calling all makers! The magical land of Maker-topia has been destroyed at the hands of the bumbling Jessamonster, and needs YOU to help rebuild it! Join us this summer for an unforgettable camp, where you will harness our skills to rebuild Maker-topia and create a new monster-friendly world where we can all live together in peace! Enroll by week to join each of Maker-topia’s guilds - Genius Inventors, Pilot Commanders, Maven Magicians and Alchemist Chemists, and Grand Builders and Master Weavers - and work together to imagine a new world!

Each week of Maker-topia STEM Adventure Camp offers a diverse array of activities, including mixed-media stop-motion, hand-sewing, cardboard engineering, and sensory science experiments. Join one or all of Maker-topia's skilled guilds and work together to reimagine our city as a welcoming haven of creativity and friendship! We also offer our Little Makers STEM Adventure Camp, which is the perfect choice for our younger friends!
Are you ready to answer the call and become a hero of Maker-topia? Sign up now and let the adventure begin!
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Genius Inventors (June 24 - 28):
When the Jessamonster stopped by Maker-topia to say hello to her new neighbors, she had no idea that she would accidentally crush the whole kingdom under her gigantic feet! Join the ranks of the Genius Inventors guild to recreate the fantastical gadgets, whimsical machines, and ingenious contraptions that were destroyed. From homemade cars to spinning automatons, the sky is the limit for these creative minds!
Pilot Commanders (July 8 - 12):
Take to the skies with the Pilots Guild! Members of this guild will learn to build and design their own fantastical airships, mythical creatures, and other airborne wonders. Unburdened from gravity, pilots will fly high as they build their own rockets, kites, and so much more!
Maven Magicians and Alchemist Chemists
(July 15 - 19):
Unlock powers beyond our world as you turn into Magicians and Alchemists! Learn the ancient arts of spellcasting and potion making as we create a world where monsters and humans can co-exist! This week, we will be getting scientific, performing experiments with food, slime, non-Newtonian fluids, and so much more!
Grand Builders & Master Weavers (July 22 - 26):
Let’s finish off the rebuilding process with our final guild, where the magic of building and artistic expression take center stage. Construct the houses and roads of Maker-topia while creating costumes, sets, and stories that will tie this fantasy world together. From hand-sewn monster stuffies to Maker-topia dioramas, this week’s participants will learn tools that could build a nation!
Maker-topia STEM Adventure Camp
Location: Maker-topia Camp will be held at two convenient locations: Alta Vista School at 450 Somerset St, Portola, and our cozy studio at 600a Octavia Street. Both sites will feature the same curriculum, facilitated by our talented Maker Studio Kidz instructors.
Ages: 5-11 yrs
Dates: June 24 - July 26. Come for the summer, a week, or just opt for drop-in days!
Little Makers Maker-topia STEM Adventure Camp
Location: Alta Vista School at 450 Somerset St, Portola.
Ages: 4-6 yrs
Dates: June 24 - July 26. Come for the summer, a week, or just opt for drop-in days!
Register here to secure your spot at Little Makers STEM Adventure Camp!

Follow us on Instagram for more project ideas!